Pete Hardy
STW Owner/Operator
Chief Instructor and Owner of STW
40+ years in the fitness industry
20+ years serving San Antonio
15+ years Krav Maga Licensee
Key Stats
STW Start Date:
Krav Maga Instructor Level:
Level 5 (4th Degree Black Belt)
Krav Maga Practitioner Level:
Level 5 (4th Degree Black Belt)
Military Service:
Degrees, Majors & Certifications:
NRA Pistol Instructor - Krav Maga Train-the-Trainer - Contractor for the Alamo Area Council of Governments Law Enforcement Academy: Defensive Tactics Instructor - Contractor for the Department of Defense: Defensive Tactics Instructor - Founder and Creator of the Dangerously Cute Women's Self Defense Seminars - Recipient of the Jefferson Public Service Award - Certified USA Boxing Coach
Outside Career:
Why I Teach:
Outside Activities & Interests:
Favorite Quote:
Award Most Proud Of:
40+ years in the fitness industry
20+ years serving San Antonio
15+ years Krav Maga Licensee
What Our Members Say:
If you want to get a good workout but at the same time learn techniques and have a good time come here! I love how the trainers push you to the limit (in a good way) and make you improve your skills and stamina. Great class variety, not your regular gym.
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