Sara P.
I joined STW to encourage my daughters to work out. I was extremely over weight for my size. i thought that I would get a class in here and there. Trae was so positive and full of energy I signed up for a 1 year membership. My daughters came but I was always too tired. Trae called me and encouraged me to come work out. I would come just because I promised him I would. The staff was so friendly and encouraging every time I would show up. The instructors always had time after class if I had a question or to help me with proper form. Since I was so over weight and weak I could barely make it through a class. I was really glad the instructors offered modifications to help me get through the class. After many months of hardly showing up I decided to join the weight loss contest. It required me to show up at least 3 times a week. It is said it takes 90 days to form a new habit. This was the motivation I needed. I forced myself to go even when I felt like I just wanted to go to sleep. I started changing my eating habits. I always asked the staff for help with anything work out related and they were always happy to answer my questions. Steadily , the weight came off and I was gaining muscle. I felt myself getting stronger and more confident. This encouraged me to add a fourth day to my routine. I would look at the “before and after” board and be encouraged by the pictures. If I saw someone in the gym that I recognized from the board I would let them know how great they looked and how they inspired me to keep going. At the end of the contest i was already feeling like I was a part of the STW family. After the contest I was waiting for the winner to be announced. I had just finished Cardio bag and Joe was standing there with an envelope for me. I was the 6th place winner! This contest helped me commit to becoming a healthier person. Today I am able to attend 2 classes a day 5 times a week. I have made friends here at STW that I look forward to seeing in class. I’ve branched into taking the Krav Maga classes which I LOVE! I turned 49 this year and I feel better than I have in the past 10 years. I’ve lost 45lbs and have gained a whole new positive perspective on my future. I joke with Trae and say he saved my life! The truth is I probably would be on medication today if it weren’t for the help of the staff here at STW. Kudos to the whole staff at both locations! Kudos to Pete Hardy for dedication for his leadership and vision for the STW Krav Maga gyms.